Meditation Blog
Grow, Evolve, Serve
Full Moon Meditation with Christification June 20th
We are going to maximize this Friday’s Full Moon with The CHRISTIFICATION Theme Night!
Be there this Thursday at 7 pm on Zoom and be EVERYWHERE!
Love and Tujechey, Daniel
May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes.
May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes.
May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss and be without suffering.
May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment, and anger.
May the hearts of all beings be filled with happiness and peace.
May all sentient beings be safe and secure.
May all beings live joyfully and with ease.
May all beings be healthy and prosperous.
Abundance Night June 6, 2024
For most, successfully meditating is one of the hardest things to do. Their emotional and mental bodies are agitated and unable to still. Meditating with a group is one of the fastest ways to achieve meditation success, as the work of the group has already been done for you. You are jumping into the group’s meditation stream.
Thursday the sixth is the New Moon, and the perfect Meditation Theme to maximize this time is ABUNDANCE Night.
Join us on Zoom at 7pm.
by phone:
Meeting ID: 856 3573 7123
Passcode: 111042
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,85635737123#,,,,*111042# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,85635737123#,,,,*111042# US (San Jose
Love and Tujechey, Daniel
May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes.
May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes.
May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss and be without suffering.
May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment, and anger.
May the hearts of all beings be filled with happiness and peace.
May all sentient beings be safe and secure.
May all beings live joyfully and with ease.
May all beings be healthy and prosperous.
Christ’s Festival Full Moon
This Thursday’s Theme is The CHRIST’s Festival Full Moon, the Third Strongest Full Moon!
Below is a quick writeup from on this precious time.
The higher interlude of the spiritual year culminates in the Gemini full moon – in a Festival which celebrates the spiritual potential of humanity to unify the personal will with the Will of God. On this day the Christ stands before God as the representative of humanity, the “eldest in a great family of brothers,” and focalises the united aspiration of humanity into an invocative demand for more Light and Love. Through Christ, the response of deity pours forth into humanity, uplifting human consciousness and establishing a culture of goodwill and right human relations on earth.
This invocation and evocation of deity circulates life throughout creation and provides the evolutionary impulse by which the Divine Plan works out. This Plan requires that the Principle of Life mount upon the shoulders of matter through the development of human consciousness. Thus, humanity is vital in the working out of the Divine Plan.
Today, however, humanity remains divided and so cannot stand as the lighted house through which spiritual consciousness finds expression. This Festival augments the Principle of Unification which brings the higher and lower aspects of humanity into closer relationship; the light of the soul waxes and increases while the light inherent in matter wanes. This facilitates the expression of a spiritual unity and the annihilation of separatism.
This Festival marks the culmination of the work of the Buddha, focalized through Christ and expressed through Humanity. It also initiates a future approach to divinity wherein invocation – the conscious focalization of one’s spiritual aspiration – is paired with the expression of spiritual consciousness through right human living. It is for this reason that World Invocation Day, a time when we are asked to do all we can to promote the widest use of the Great Invocation, occurs on this day.
Join us on Zoom at 7pm.
Love and Tujechey, Daniel
May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes.
May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes.
May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss and be without suffering.
May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment, and anger.
May the hearts of all beings be filled with happiness and peace.
May all sentient beings be safe and secure.
May all beings live joyfully and with ease.
May all beings be healthy and prosperous.
Lord’s PrayerFestAPolooza!
This Thursday’s Theme is filled with the LORD’s Prayer meditations (including the Celestial Lord’s Prayer) and more!
Join us on Zoom at 7pm.
by phone:
Meeting ID: 856 3573 7123
Passcode: 111042
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,85635737123#,,,,*111042# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,85635737123#,,,,*111042# US (San Jose
Love and Tujechey, Daniel
May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes.
May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes.
May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss and be without suffering.
May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment, and anger.
May the hearts of all beings be filled with happiness and peace.
May all sentient beings be safe and secure.
May all beings live joyfully and with ease.
May all beings be healthy and prosperous.
Abundance Night May 9, 2024

We are still receiving wonderful feedback from AVATARfication.
With this New Moon being labeled as an abundant one, this Thursday’s Theme has to be ABUNDANCE Night!
Join us on Zoom at 7 pm.
by phone:
Meeting ID: 856 3573 7123
Passcode: 111042
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,85635737123#,,,,*111042# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,85635737123#,,,,*111042# US (San Jose
Love and Tujechey, Daniel
May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes.
May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes.
May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss and be without suffering.
May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment, and anger.
May the hearts of all beings be filled with happiness and peace.
May all sentient beings be safe and secure.
May all beings live joyfully and with ease.
May all beings be healthy and prosperous.
AVATARfication & The Elements: Your Health Depends on IT!

Your physical health depends on it!
Your emotional health depends on it!
Your mental health depends on it!
Your spiritual health depends on it!
What is the “it?” IT is the building blocks of life- THE ELEMENTS!
A few months ago, after reading nearly 400 books for my upcoming book and Master Class on CHRISTIFICATION and the possible spiritual practices of Ravi Yehoshua Bar Miriam, who most people incorrectly refer to as Jesus, the ELEMENTS became dominant in my frontal lobe.
I did a deeper dive into Hermeticism, Quabballah, Vajrayana Buddhism, Hsying-Yi, and Sethian Gnosticism to find answers, inner formulas, and combinations, and AVATARfication evolved. Much of this was already in my consciousness; however, new breakthroughs and levels were achieved.
With five planets in Aries in my life, I immediately became aware of my imbalances, and this practice rapidly brought peace, strength, stability, and balance. For example, being so fiery and mental, I had difficulty relating to a water sign.
Have you ever felt the following: too grounded, ungrounded, fearful, emotional, quick to anger, overly mental, and the opposite of blissful??? If so, this simple, powerful, and practical Theme night is for you.
Join us on zoom Thursday at 7 pm
Jupiter and Uranus Conjunction

Good morning and Namaste,
TODAY is one of the most important days to manifest your dreams with the Jupiter and Uranus Conjunction combined with Tuesday’s WESAK energy!
Each day, you stand at a crossroad-one path leads to growth, the other to stagnation. The choice is yours to make.
There are several people in the WESAK photo who are no longer with us, and they would dream of the opportunity to live, love, and laugh with you! Make every day count!
Wesak Preparation Mediation
We are going have another great meditation meditation night. We are going to do a series of meditations to best prepare for The WESAK.
Recommended: watch this Wesak trailer video twice daily until this year’s Wesak
Wesak 2024
Enjoy the Experience After Wesak
Namaste Friends,
Some of you were unable to attend this year’s WESAK Full Moon meditation live. The 2024 WESAK Recording is now available for your use for the next 21 days. You may send a Love Offering of $20 to and it will be shared with you.
Make it a Buddhaful day!
Tuesday, April 23, 2023
3 pm – 7 pm
Live, ONLINE Event
Millions of meditators all around the globe will be sharing in this most Divine and Holy time. It is said that no price is too great to travel to be part of the WESAK.
The WESAK is at the Full Moon of Taurus. At this time the Buddha floats down in the Wesak Valley in the Himalayas and Blesses all of those with the will to do good! The energy at this time is believed to be the Highest of the year.
Daniel O’Hara has participated in WESAK events with Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui, or led these events for 25 years from Orange County, New York, Canada, Germany to Brazil.
This is ABSOLUTELY the BEST time of the year to meditate. Please wear white for this sacred event. To maximize this event please meditate, as much as possible, in the days (and weeks) before the event.
You should register by 4/22 at for only $30 or $40 after that. The event will start promptly at 3 pm on Zoom.

This is THE MOST IMPORTANT time of the year to meditate to maximize this time the following are recommended:
1) Meditate as much as possible,
2) Epsom salt baths daily
3) Be more vegetarian
4) Moderate emotions and cultivate gratitude, love, mercy, and compassion
5) Kundalini energy travels on sex on energy, so do not release until after the 17th
6) Read spiritual books
Here’s a great booklet on the WESAK.

The Bible, The Brain & The Location of Heaven
Thursday at 7pm on zoom
Love and Tujechey, Daniel
May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes.
May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes.
May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss and be without suffering.
May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment, and anger.
May the hearts of all beings be filled with happiness and peace.
May all sentient beings be safe and secure.
May all beings live joyfully and with ease.
May all beings be healthy and prosperous.