Enjoy the Experience After Wesak
Namaste Friends,
Some of you were unable to attend this year’s WESAK Full Moon meditation live. The 2024 WESAK Recording is now available for your use for the next 21 days. You may send a Love Offering of $20 to paypal.me/ocmg and it will be shared with you.
Make it a Buddhaful day!
Tuesday, April 23, 2023
3 pm – 7 pm
Live, ONLINE Event
Millions of meditators all around the globe will be sharing in this most Divine and Holy time. It is said that no price is too great to travel to be part of the WESAK.
The WESAK is at the Full Moon of Taurus. At this time the Buddha floats down in the Wesak Valley in the Himalayas and Blesses all of those with the will to do good! The energy at this time is believed to be the Highest of the year.
Daniel O’Hara has participated in WESAK events with Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui, or led these events for 25 years from Orange County, New York, Canada, Germany to Brazil.
This is ABSOLUTELY the BEST time of the year to meditate. Please wear white for this sacred event. To maximize this event please meditate, as much as possible, in the days (and weeks) before the event.
You should register by 4/22 at www.OCMeditationGroup.com for only $30 or $40 after that. The event will start promptly at 3 pm on Zoom.

This is THE MOST IMPORTANT time of the year to meditate to maximize this time the following are recommended:
1) Meditate as much as possible,
2) Epsom salt baths daily
3) Be more vegetarian
4) Moderate emotions and cultivate gratitude, love, mercy, and compassion
5) Kundalini energy travels on sex on energy, so do not release until after the 17th
6) Read spiritual books
Here’s a great booklet on the WESAK. https://www.lucistrust.org/resources/wesakbooklet