Lord’s PrayerFestAnitation July 25th

We are still receiving wonderful comments on WHOLLY Healing and people are enjoying access to recording.  Please remember if you are unable to attend a Thursday night live (as it must be something pretty important to miss this valuable night) you can access the...

Abundance Night June 6, 2024

Namaste, For most, successfully meditating is one of the hardest things to do.  Their emotional and mental bodies are agitated and unable to still.  Meditating with a group is one of the fastest ways to achieve meditation success, as the work of the group has already...
Full Moon Meditation with Christification June 20th

Christ’s Festival Full Moon

Namaste, This Thursday’s Theme is The CHRIST’s Festival Full Moon, the Third Strongest Full Moon! Below is a quick writeup from LucisTrust.org on this precious time. The higher interlude of the spiritual year culminates in the Gemini full moon – in a...

Lord’s PrayerFestAPolooza!

Namaste, This Thursday’s Theme is filled with the LORD’s Prayer meditations (including the Celestial Lord’s Prayer) and more! Join us on Zoom at 7pm.  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85635737123?pwd=dEZ4RUNMSVYreSt0NTNGYjNXaDl0dz09 by phone: Meeting ID:...