Full Moon Meditation on 12/28/2023

Namaste, The Full Moon is a time for feeling and manifesting by uniting male and female energies! The Full Moon amplifies all! Here’s a video trailer for more info https://youtu.be/EXC75wD351k Love and Tujechey, Danielwww.OCMeditationGroup.com May all sentient...

Buddification Video Trailer

Namaste, This Thursday’s Theme is BUDDHAFICATION and it will be extraordinarily blissful. You can learn more about it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jn-w2IW-Yw Love and Tujechey, Danielwww.OCMeditationGroup.com May all sentient beings have happiness and...

Peace, Protection, Prosperity

Namaste, Here’s a video trailer for this Thursday’s Theme Peace, Protection, Prosperity. This Saturday is a not only a New Moon, but also a Solar Eclipse.  I’ll share how this is relevant to military conflicts. Please click on the picture or the...

Full Moon in Aries – Video Trailer

Good morning and Namaste! Friday morning at 2:57 am is the Full Moon in Aries and it will add FIRE and Spiritual Blissful energy to our already incredible Thursday night...

New, New, New!

You are here because you want deep and profound meditation experiences. Our Thursday nights meditations are GROWING, and so are the incredible experiences people are sharing with us daily, and new people are joining. (More emails have come in raving about Thursday)...