Wesak Preparation Mediation

Namaste, We are going have another great meditation meditation night.  We are going to do a series of meditations to best prepare for The WESAK.   Recommended: watch this Wesak trailer video twice daily until this year’s Wesak...

New This Thursday!

Namaste! It is time to announce our newest theme!  Drum roll, please… 😉 Last year, we innovated and shared TransformaRAMA, BUDDHAFICATION, and CHRISTIFICATION, along with the T.A.R.A. Technique, T.R.A.S.H. Technique, and the C.H.R.I.S.T. Techniques. This...

Mantralicious Feb 29, 2024

Namaste, “A picture is worth a thousand words.  An experience is worth one million!.”   – Daniel O’Hara There’s a reason why people drove an hour from San Diego, Inland Empire, and Los Angeles to attend our meditations in person. ...