Lord’s PrayerFestAPolooza!

Namaste, This Thursday’s Theme is filled with the LORD’s Prayer meditations (including the Celestial Lord’s Prayer) and more! Join us on Zoom at 7pm.  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85635737123?pwd=dEZ4RUNMSVYreSt0NTNGYjNXaDl0dz09 by phone: Meeting ID:...


AVATARfication Theme Night Your physical health depends on it!Your emotional health depends on it!Your mental health depends on it!Your spiritual health depends on it!   What is the “it?”  IT is the building blocks of life- THE ELEMENTS! After reading...

Wesak Preparation Mediation

Namaste, We are going have another great meditation meditation night.  We are going to do a series of meditations to best prepare for The WESAK.   Recommended: watch this Wesak trailer video twice daily until this year’s Wesak...