AVATARfication Theme Night
Your physical health depends on it!
Your emotional health depends on it!
Your mental health depends on it!
Your spiritual health depends on it!
What is the “it?” IT is the building blocks of life- THE ELEMENTS!
After reading nearly 400 books for my upcoming book and Master Class on CHRISTIFICATION and the possible spiritual practices of Ravi Yehoshua Bar Miriam, who most people incorrectly refer to as Jesus, the ELEMENTS became dominant in my frontal lobe.
A deeper dive into Hermeticism, Quabballah, Vajrayana Buddhism, Hsying-Yi, and Sethian Gnosticism revealed answers, inner formulas, and combinations, and AVATARfication evolved. Much of this was already in my consciousness; however, new breakthroughs and levels were achieved.
With five planets in Aries in my life, I immediately became aware of my imbalances, and this practice rapidly brought peace, strength, stability, and balance. For example, being so fiery and mental, I had difficulty relating to a water sign.
Have you ever felt the following: too grounded, ungrounded, fearful, emotional, quick to anger, overly mental, and the opposite of blissful??? If so, this simple, powerful, and practical Theme night is for you.
Love and Tujechey, Daniel
May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes.
May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes.
May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss and be without suffering.
May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment, and anger.
May the hearts of all beings be filled with happiness and peace.
May all sentient beings be safe and secure.
May all beings live joyfully and with ease.
May all beings be healthy and prosperous.