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Meditation This Week: 10/10/2024
WHOLLY Healing Night!


Please share with family and friends.  It is your and their opportunity to receive a 30-minute healing without having to pay hundreds of dollars.

WHOLLY is the combination of the words HOLY and WHOLE because it is truly a WHOLLY Healing that combines elements of physical, financial, emotional, and mental healing.

I was close to being hired by two professional sports teams and one major college team.  Unfortunately, 15 to 25 years ago, the medical staff of these organizations was not excited about my assistance.

Love and Tujechey, Daniel

Daniel O'Hara professional athletic healing

Welcome to the OC Meditation Group!

The OCMG was voted The #1 Meditation Group by OC WEEKLY Magazine. Whether you are a novice or have been meditating for years you will benefit. The group is warm, supportive and the experiences are blissful and one of a kind. You can make new friends, develop a deeper connection to your Soul, and have the tools to transform your life.

If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to grow spiritually with like-minded people, you may have just found your new home!

This group has been going strong for 20 years and it offers a dozen different Themed Meditation Nights from a wide array of spiritual traditions.

Daniel is the REAL DEAL! If I had known him earlier in my career he’d be traveling with the team

Marshall Faulk


It works

Clint Dahl

MD, Board Certified Urologist and co-author of Your Hands Can Heal You

When you’re 47, married just short of three years to the man of your dreams and have everything going for you, questions with negative emotions are asked of God when diagnosed with 95% bone cancer. I always considered myself a positive, strong, and loving individual until I took a course on “Wisdom of the Soul” and shockingly realized how I subconsciously allowed this disease to take over my entire body. The hospital stay, shots, chemo, constant vomiting and loss of hair has been a most humbling experience. Then the first of many miracles came to pass. My dear friend convinced me to take a Pranic Healing class. That weekend literally changed my life. I consider our instructor, Daniel O’ Hara, my “Earthly Guardian Angel”. He’s done several healings on me, changed my thought process and my whole way of living. My oncologist can’t believe how good my counts are or how quickly I’ve progressed. (according to bone marrow tests, in just three months of Pranic Healing, my marrow is now 95% clean) I’m not denying the chemo hasn’t helped, but when I see the other patients that I’ve befriended through this whole process and how they’re not responding to treatment like I am, this complementary method of healing has to be the key. As any Christian can attest, the closer you get to God, the more burdens the adversary places on you as a test of faith. I now understand that God never allows anything to happen to you that you can’t handle. And, by realizing the blessings that are bestowed upon us during catastrophe, opportunities arise. If we’re open-minded enough to take advantage of them all things are possible. Pranic Healing has definitely been my life saving opportunity. It’s exposed me to a wonderful circle of loving, caring individuals who are more than willing to help keep you focused. I’m now confident I’ll be able to create miracles for those in need who cross my path for I’m a living statistic because of Pranic Healing. With Blessed Thanksgiving

Rose Belzowski

Daniel, your Level One Pranic Healing class was incredible!!! For me it was a second only to giving birth

Heather Eddy

In December 1998, I was diagnosed with Post Herpetic Neuralgia. Even with pain medication the symptoms included a sharp, stabbing, piercing pain in my back and right arm as well as intolerable skin sensitivity to even the lightest touch. Clothing touching my skin sometimes brought tears to my eyes. After Pranic Healing was applied I immediately felt relief and each application continued to lessen the pain. Within a month I was off all pain medication and within two months I was healed of all symptoms and pain from Post Herpetic Neuralgia. I have since taken classes from Daniel O’Hara and been able to assist in helping others with a variety of illnesses and problems

Cindy Pace

When I was 16, I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Any new or stressful event would set off the symptoms. After taking an exam, I would suffer with extreme stomach pain and it would be necessary for me to go to bed and miss school for as long as a week. After Daniel O’ Hara used Pranic Healing, I felt much better and with several treatments I was healed. I strongly encourage others to be open to Pranic Healing.

Kristy Cearley

I feel very compelled to write down the miraculous healing that I have experienced with Daniel O’Hara and Pranic Healing. I met Daniel two months ago when I began a three hour Pranic Healing class, which I also followed up with Thursday night meditation healing groups, the meditation tapes every morning at home, and learning from the “Your Hands Can Heal You”. Immediately, the debilitating neck, shoulder, and lower sciatic back pain that I have suffered from for the past three years since my accident was finally permanently lifted and has not returned. I am still absolutely amazed because I have tried everything especially alternative healing and nothing has worked (not long term). In the past 3 years, I have had orthopedists, neurologist, pain specialists, many cortisone injections, physical therapy, MRIs, chiropractic adjustments and treatment (2-3 times a week), very discouraging diagnoses (L4 & L5 disc bulges, permanent twisted spine, sciatica, permanent reverse cure in neck, permanent nerve damage, etc..), Massage therapy, touch healing, Reiki, energy healing, yoga and various medications and homeopathic pain relievers. Naturally, some things have helped temporarily, however, I have been awoken from pain every night for the past three years and unable to fully participate physically in my life or my daughters. I had also lots my favorite pastime of sports and exercise so I have been very depressed and frustrated. Pranic Healing is WORKING! And it is extremely quick and effective. It has also helped me with my allergies and the positive energy that is finally flowing through me is overwhelming. I have truly felt younger, limitless, and tingling with vibrant life like never before and it’s all natural and easily accessible. For the past month, without any back, beck or shoulder pain – I am finally able to exercise again for the first time in 3 years, which is so exciting for me! I have experienced so many energy healing workshops such as Touch Healing, Reiki, and different energy techniques in massage school in the past few years. Honestly, Pranic Healing is a far more effective and comprehensive ancient system of complete and limitless healing and living. The entire pranic peace movement is very refreshing and stimulating. I am absolutely ecstatic to be blessed with this incredible experience. I cannot wait to experience all of the levels of training, so that I can continue to heal myself, my family and my friends. Daniel is a very knowledgeable loving and motivating teacher. I encourage everyone to experience the simple beauty of Pranic Healing, their message, exercises, meditations and healing tranings and courses. Energize your life now! Blessings to all!

Emily Jennings

From the late 1980’s until 1995, I suffered from chronic lower back pain. By 1995 the pain was so constant and aggravating that I was unable to stand erect for more than 10 to 15 minutes at a time. My job required me to stand on my feet for most of the day and I was in constant pain, sitting and bending over as often as possible in search of relief. In 1995, I learned of your Pranic Healing and I attended two of your healing sessions. In less than a week after my second session, my back pain was completely gone. I still have to stand for periods of 8 to 10 hours and my back is completely pain free. As a matter of fact, I NEVER think of back pain unless someone else brings up the subject of physical pains. I would very much like to thank you for all that you have done for me. Your healing is doubtless that best thing that could have happened to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will gladly recommend you to anyone with any health problems.

Neil Mayfield

Thank you for bringing the Pranic Healing seminars to Des Moines last weekend! I have already seen the impact and blessing from what I learned there. I worked on one woman who had suffered for six years from a persistent cough since a fall which broken several of her ribs. After I worked on her once, from a distance, she said her cough was gone. I also worked from a distance on a man who intermittently has joint stiffness from arthritis, particularly during the night when he would awaken with pain in his shoulders. The day after I worked on him, he said that he had awoke during the night but there was no pain in his shoulders, nor was there any pain when he work in the morning. Since the pain has been intermittent, time will tell the long-term affect of PH but I will continue to work on it. (Although, he didn’t know what I was working on him, he said he felt warmth in his shoulders and just knew that I must be working on him). They are as please and incredibly grateful as I am. We are all grateful to God for the healing and to you for bringing it to us. With infinite thanks and blessings for peace and joy.

Karen M. Burns

Dan is the man

John Salley

3x NBA Champion and Actor

As a urologist, I use Pranic Healing in my practice all the time. I’ve found that Pranic Healing dramatically helps speed up the body’s own natural healing ability. My friend Daniel O’ Hara is a gifted, world-class Pranic Healer who has been teaching the art for many years now. When professional sport establishments recognize the efficacy of Pranic Healing for their injured players, Daniel is going to be in high demand

Eric B. Robins

MD, Board Certified Urologist and co-author of Your Hands Can Heal You

Thank you Daniel! I experienced a rather dramatic recovery after my car accident where I smashed into a tree due to fog. My head went through the windshield of the car. Immediately after the accident with glass being pulled out of my forehead, profuse bleeding, bruising and the likelihood of permanent scars, I went to see a doctor in Torrance. He referred me to a plastic surgeon. However, I came to you for Pranic Healing the night after the crash and even though the doctor who had seen me the day of the wreck, had commented I would need stitches and would have scars. The Pranic Healing was so complete my forehead cleared up miraculously within three days. I didn’t even need stitches and I have no scars on my forehead. This healing should greatly benefit athletes and other peak performers as well

Nick Degado

PhD, Author of #1 Way to Fitness

I received a phone call from Bob at 11:00pm this evening, informing me how well he felt. They had pulled the catheter earlier in the evening. He had awoke from a profound sleep, had walked the floor several times, took a sponge bath, and had stopped the morphine drip. He was so excited. I told him of your call and the work that you and Frank were doing. He really felt it and was very grateful. He was very animated and lucid, unlike earlier today. It was a miracle as far as I am concerned. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have felt so alone in all of this and my energy was spent. I am looking forward to tomorrow hoping that he might come home then instead of Saturday.

Dr. Mary Clark

It is hard to find words to truly express the positive changes that have happened to me and those around me since I have started practicing the Twin Hearts meditations and Pranic Healing. A year and a half ago, I visited Daniel O’Hara’s meditation meeting and was impressed with the wonderful and peaceful mediation. I decided to take the Level One Pranic Healing course and realized that being able to heal myself and others could have a profound impact on life as a whole. The changes began quite quickly, I lost weight that I needed to lose, I finally found a rewarding and financially sound job, I got out of a toxic relationship, my children began to be happier, I began to be happier. I found myself leaving toward a more spiritual life that now includes studying to become a minister. I practice Pranic Healing on friends, family, and people who seek me out and have had tremendous results. My co-workers husband had back problems and I was lead to work on him one evening. The next day, she told me that when he woke up that morning, he was perfectly fine! He told his co-workers and I now perform many healings for the people he works with. One of them has been able to forgo surgery on his hips, and has become able to walk with ease. One of my friends had chosen Pranic Healing instead of surgery of ovarian cysts, since it has helped her with her lower back problems and also healed a terrible bronchial infection she had several months ago. I deal with people in 12-step programs and practicing the Twin Hearts meditation has helped with the many physiological problems that accompany this type of disease. I recommend this practice to everyone. Whether you wish to heal yourself or to practice this for others, it can only bring positive experiences to all. I thank my beloved God for leading me to Daniel O’Hara and to Pranic Healing. It has bad my life a precious gift to share with others

Michele Amburgey

On Christmas Eve, I asked Daniel if he would work on my right lower leg. My ankle was swollen and I had a lump which was crescent-shaped, about an inch and one-half long, and just under one-half inch just above my ankle bone. Daniel said he would work on it with he could but with the holidays and family commitments, he wasn’t sure when that would be. Almost immediately upon hanging up the phone, I could feel the swelling going down in my ankle. Daniel called within an hour and asked if I noticed anything. I told him that the swelling has lessened in my ankle and he said he had some time so he worked on me. On Christmas Day I was on my feet all day and my ankle did not bother me as it did before. The lump was still there, however, it was softer. I then saw Daniel in person at the Pranic Healing class January 2, 3, and 4th. He worked on me four times in that three day period for approximately 10-20 minutes each time. I could feel the lump changing immediately, although it was not visibly changing. By Sunday afternoon, it was visibly small and it continued to get smaller over the next few weeks until it was completely gone. Thank you Daniel for your time and efforts and for being so loving and caring. May God bless you and your family and your work.


Pranic Healing not only changed my life, it gave me my life back! On February 8 1997, Daniel O’Hara did in seventeen minutes what no one could do in seven years.He cured me of Lyme disease. I contracted Lyme disease in June of 1989 at a family reunion in Arkansas, where three tiny ticks became embedded in my left leg. At that time there was talk only of preventative measures and not treatment. So my aunt put nail polish on the tick areas in the belief that they would suffocate and fall off. I came home to Indiana confident that the incident was over. In reality, it had just started. The join pain, rashes, muscle spasms, memory lapses, weight gain, hair loos, varicose veins, headaches, sleep disorders, chronic neck stiffness, gray / blackouts, dizziness, etc all got progressively worse. I was unable to walk / work for over two years. My father took care of my financially. Physically, I tried to take care of myself using everything from maximum prescribed antibiotics, herbs, glandular, chelation, fasts, colonics, blood cleansing formulas (one from Canada), vitamins, minerals, even urine therapy. Although, I never considered the next medical “logical step” (a complete blood transfusion). In addition, I did self-massage, reflexology, prayer, Reiki, Touch-For-Health, Qigong, therapeutic touch, ELB, self-hypnosis, and tapped everyone I knew for their help. I’m not a novice in this area, since I’ve had “terminal” cancer, a paralyzed arm, arthritis, bursitis, fibrositis, a dislocated shoulder, bells palsy, and a spinal curvatures. I’ve been given “last rites” twice and died once briefly. Nothing helped. Or more often some symptoms would diminish and then return with a vengeance. Being without hope (and my father who died that July), I have up October 1995. I was a very unhealthy health care professional in a massive depression and broke financially, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. From then until February 1997, I was sleeping 18-20 hours a night / day (though sometimes I could sleep two hours in a row), had lost three jobs, many clients, and a five-year-relationship and had gained 82 pounds. My memory was so poor that I forgot appointments and long-time clients and friends. I was constantly in pain, confused, overwhelmed and was smoking again.

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